Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where the Good Goes

"Dancing in the Dark" by Solange

...I should be dancin' baby / I should be movin'...

I hate scantrons. And scantrons have plagued me AND my education for 17 years.

I worry incessantly that I will mark outside of the designated circle. For the questions whose answers I am not too sure about but I fear that I won't have time to come back and fill it in, I fill out a tentative answer, a little lighter than the circles who house the answers I am sure about. This is the point that I worry that my shading is too light. I also worry that the shade, although lighter than usual, is not uniform and is lighter in some parts of the circle than it is in other places.

It is stupid, inconsequential, I know, but these are the kinds of things I tend to worry about. I am preoccupied with presentation. I have OCD but only the compulsion portion. I don't have obsessive thoughts but I feel compelled to write a certain way, do things in a certain order, sit in a particular fashion, etc. or I feel anxious. And I'm not just being particular. It causes me substantial distress (kind of).

I digress. I hate scantrons. I took this test in Abnormal Psychology with 70 questions. That means, at maximum, I can only miss 6 questions and still get an A. I counted that there were 8 I was unsure about and I estimate I got 4 of them right, so an A is still very possible.

However, I always have this dread that there will be questions that I got the right answer to but will be marked wrong because I slipped outside of the line! And I know that my professor is not manually checking 200+ scantrons when the machine has already looked over them. Damn. Why you tryna stick me for my paper?

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