Sunday, September 21, 2008

Every Time Harry Meets Sally

"The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson
...if you are chilly, here take my sweater...

In the spirit of maintaining my awareness of others on El Red, I visited some of the blogs I have blog rolled and checked out new postings.

Naked & Natural had a new post that featured a video clip of an artist delivering a poem on HBO's acclaimed show Def Poetry. I had seen the episode before, but like the truth likes to do, it was still true.

The poem is called "To All The Boys I've Love Before: Parts I and II". It was right on time. I just finished discussing with The Working Definition about my negotiations for this new boy/man (They are one in the same to me, synonyms for the same condition).

As I start this new romantic negotiation, more aware, older, wiser, more informed, less expectant, and more resilient, I am still apprehensive and I am still afraid. They say that God does not supply us and does not want us to live with the spirit of fear, but I do not think they know heartache well enough, for if they did, they would be afraid too.

So in watching this poem be born, I remembered that fear, not in overwhelming amounts, is the thing that keeps you from really f*cking up. You will enter that same situation with a caution you never considered exercising before; a caution that could have saved you from whatever pitfall you suffered.

It will not impede my negotiations for those are already in progress, but I will exercise cautious optimism. There will be no hemorrhaging of love or lust even, because I cannot be certain of a transfusion.

Of course, history is haunting and I cried for and over all those boys I loved and I wondered if it was too late to apologize to that girl I have cheated out of so much happiness. I will just do right by me from now on, or at least make a more conscious effort. And yes, I still beieve in love even if I end up only loving myself.


Anonymous said...

y can't loving yourself be enough?

Karma, Inc. said...

You already know the answer to that. It is essential that each person love him or herself but we cannot be alone. No man is an island.