Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kiss and Make Up

Hot 'N Cold by Katy Perry

So the Magical Woman got a new phone. Unfortunately, it is with Verizon, which is actually not that bad, barring the fact that I was really looking forward to the unlimited everything plan that they offer. I am a talkaholic and it sucks to have to keep track of minutes.

Simultaneously, though, I do have a substantial amount of minutes and unlimited text messages, which is always a silver lining. Therefore, stuntin' is still a habit. Go Samsung Glyde.

Katy Perry is this ueber White girl out in the pop world and I love her. Her first single, "I Kissed a Girl" was my shyte. Then yesterday, after dropping Brittany off at class, I heard her second single on the radio, "Hot 'N Cold". That's my jam too. It makes me feel some kind of glamorous and catalyzed.

I imagine getting ready to go out with the girls, crowding in the bathroom, fixing makeup, and everyone stopping to dance and sing when the hook commences. I'm trying to make it my ringtone but I can't find it.

Speaking of phones, it is amazing how connected and relevant and validating a cell phone makes you feel. Not having a phone for the past couple of weeks didn't cause my life to implode but it made me feel a little isolated, alienated even. I know this sounds shallow and very Gen Y of me, but what were people doing before cell phones? It is kind of a scary thought

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