Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You Again

The Rarest Kind.
Location: Northeast, United States

I am a black girl from Detroit- which is nearly a redundant statement. I am also an attorney, currently studying for a second post-grad degree in the Northeast and considering life after school. I am interested in uplifting my people and I still love everyone I have ever loved, which can be problematic. I am for the most part transient, and wondering what home will end up being for me. (Suga Blog: link to your right)

I was out on the internet today, exploring other blogs. I forgot that there are other blogs in the world. I spend so much time working and finessing my own that I have excluded the others. The above passage is an "About Me" about some blogger I found and loved. I too wonder what home will end up being for me.

When I first started, I was always exploring the online literary work of others in order to get an idea about what I was supposed to be doing. Once I felt like I knew what to write, I only consulted myself. I regret that now because people have exquisite blogs that include material, speak from a different kind of view, and deliver a message that I could and would enjoy doing.

My blogs are organized in themes, which is why I have six. Prototypical Behavior is for poetry that inconspicuously reveals what I am feeling or thinking about certain people or situations. It is inconspicuous because I usually do not name anything explicitly so one cannot decipher who or what I am referencing. They are just pretty map of feelings only I have a legend for.

The Working Definition is more like an online journal, although I do not list names in it either. But I describe situations with a little more detail sometimes such that people involved may understand what I am saying.

Walking Down the Street of My Dreams is where I keep track of my reality. I love the whole obsession with celebrities. I think it's a fascinating concept and a testament to the unending craziness of human culture. It's also where I keep all my girl crushes on lock.

Black Hot Blues is reserved for my commentary about Black people, Black culture, racism, sexism as it relates to Black women, and the ilk. I did not want to burden my other blogs with such conversations because I love Black people and I have a lot to say about them, so it was only right to give it its own space.

Big Words, Little Payfes is a secret. Straight like that.

And, of course, Magic Woman is unadulterated me. It is the smörgåsbord, because that is exactly what I am: a Sweedish buffet. It is the capitalist obsessed, shoe shopping, liquor guzzling, tarbaby, intellectual, hilarious me. Because, quiet as it's kept, I'm crazy as hell.

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