Monday, December 14, 2009

I Don't See Myself

"Redemption Song" by Bob Marley long shall they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?...

I got a 92 on my statistics exam.  This was a cumulative examination that covered 250 pages of material divided into 7 chapters on some really, really hard stuff.

I cried in the library over this exam, frustrated at how little I seemed to know and overwhelmed by how much there was to learn.

I sweated and fretted.  I took the exam and found it so easy, I was sure that I failed because obviously I was missing a lot if I thought it was so easy.

Oh, but I got a 92.  On a math final.  Math.  I have hated math since the 5th grade and always doubted my abilities.

I would like to thank God and my ancestors for a stellar display of discipline and hardwork.

For PaAlhaji, YaMankaprr, and YaZainab.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't know y u be fakin liike you didn't make the exam yourself.