Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Controversial, Presumptive Survey

"Live a Lie" by Jazmine Sullivan

...if a lie gon get me through, I'd rather not know the truth / if the truth gon make me cry, I'd rather just live a lie...

I saw this survey on one of the blogs I blog rolled: Blak Swan. The author is a funny and rather intelligent guy for his age and race, because you know young colored folks are supposed to be dumbest of the bunch...or at least that is the explanation I get when the unequivocal they are so surprised that I'm smart.

1] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?

Sure. I feel as though it is no longer okay to ask someone if they have the guts.

2] Would you do coke if it was legalized?
No. I have taken enough chemistry and biology in college thus far to know how much of a compromise for your body it is to use narcotics...I am not including mary jane.

3] Abortion: for it or against it?
I support its legality. As a moral question, that is something individuals have to deal with on their own. But for the safety of women, it should be legal so that it is standardized and healthy. Women died trying to perform abortions on themselves. The moral dilemma is something each woman has to deal with and not up to legislators, other people, or men, who never have to make the difficult decision or endure the aftermath. The rights of the chld do not yet exist because it has not been born. The law already recognizes that the rights of the mother supercedes that of the fetus, as in cases where the woman's life is in danger, abortion is automatically legal. Clearly, their is a hierarchy of value of life. Sure, people can prevent pregnancy, but an unplanned one occurs, and she should have the option to terminate it in a safe, hygenic, and controlled environement. And it ain't like any of yall are gonna help her when the child arrives but you sure wanna preserve some life...shut up.

4] Do you think the world would fail with a female president?
What kind of stupid questions is this? This questions is incredibly presumptive and demonstrates a lot of what is wrong with this culture that people would even consider such a thing. No woman is less qualified as a human being to do what is right for the people under her tenure than any man nor does she have less potential to be just as cruel and evil as any man.

5] Do you believe in the death penalty?
No. None of us are qualified or perfect enough to decided when someone else's life should be over. If we abhor murder, we cannot murder to correct it. Even if my family was killed, I would like to believe that I would fight for that person's life whether or not he/she was remorseful or whatever. Death penalty is not a deterrent for crazy and to take the life of another requires some crazy.

6] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Hell yeah.

7] Are you for or against premarital sex?
I don't really care what people do before or after they get married. I think the more important issue is honestly and wholly informing people about sex, its repurcussions, and all the ways to avoid negative consequences. The rapid and preventable spread of disease is motivation enough to drop this abstinence mess and tell the kids the truth. Sexual ignorance is fatal.

8] Do you believe in God?
9] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes and I think it will be. We tend to lag behind the Europeans socially, and since some European nations have already legalized same-sex marriage, it is only a matter of time before America does. More importantly, it is getting harder and harder to argue against it using logic and not religion. Not everyone believes in any kind of sanctity. Marriage is about economic relief and social participation: tax breaks and making medical decisions. It isn't about much more than that and all the opponents hanging on to the "sanctity of marriage" argument are lacking heavily in intellect and stuck on how gross they think homosexual sex is. That's all it is.

10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
No. Life abroad can be very abject. And people are quite ignorant to the expensive and very involved process it is to enter this country legally. Not that it is not a burden to pay for the lives of people who are not documented, but it is not as if these people are living a luxurious life. They are working hard and living poor, poorer than those who aren't working and receive help from the government, so chill.

11] A 12 year old girl has a baby. Should she keep it?
She has already had the baby. What options does she have? If she wants to keep it, she should. No one has the right to take the child from her. Maybe if we were being honest with students about how to protect themselves and prevent situations like these if they choose not to be abstinent, this 12 year old girl wouldn't have had a baby. Something is wrong with this question. The educational and social systems are incongruent in their solutions to teen pregnancy and the disconnect will continue to foster situations such as a 12 year old mother.

12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
Yes. You can fight a war. You should be able to get drunk. And then improve the public transportation systems so they aren't driving on Friday and Saturday nights.

13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
This question is insensitively worded. It can't be "called off" without very serious consequences for Iraq and the countries that participated in its invasion. The war must be ended in a calculated and responsible way that does not risk the lives of those fighting or the civilians. The countries who invaded have a responsibility to see that the infrastructure of the country is repaired and the institutions operate such that chaos does not follow once troops are withdrawn. And there has to be a lot of diplomatic onversation as the main tool to accomplish this.

14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
If the person is terminally ill and does not want to suffer the coming affects of his/her disease, then he/she should be able to do it. I think the individual must undergo extensive evaluation and be given the option of being treated for depression, but if the person is cleared, then they should be able to take their own life.

15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
Yessir. A lot of mess in this world might have been prevented had some people been whooped. Ain't nothing like home training.

16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Who wouldn't? You can't be that gung-ho patriotic in this capitalist nation. Shoot. A million dollars? Yessir.

17] Who do you think will make a better president? McCain or Obama?
Obama. I like most all his policies, he is a calm, diplomatic, charismatic man who strikes me as actually caring. I feel like politicians and compassion/caring are mutually exclusive, but Obama might be able to change that.

18] Do you think Obama will be killed?
Only if White people are ready for civil war part II. He will not be killed. The world needs him too much and we shouldn't even think like that, for the sake of his wife and children and the future of this nation's station in the world.

19] Should child predators be forced to wear signs identifying themselves?
No. And I don't even think I agree with the sex offender registry. If offenders were properly rehabilitated, it wouldn't be necessary because people wouldn't do it again. Their offenses are atrocious, yes, but they are human beings and deserve a fulfilling life like the rest of us. Doing such a thing as is asked in this questions would not grant them such a life. People make mistakes. People are damaged. People need help and not judgment.

20] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
No. What are they gonna do about it? Disagree?


Anonymous said...

so he asks...would this country fail with a female as president....and your reaction proves his point as to why there is a question about that. women are extremely emotional. all you had to say was no.

but a dude could have said no right away. and i might have called him impulsive and said that's what is wrong with men.

think about it.

Karma, Inc. said...

I disagree. Women are not "more" emotional than men. Women are socialized to show their emotions and men are not. No human being is without substantive emotion but we do show them differently. I can't help but have a strong opinion about it. I am a woman and I dare anyone to tell me what the hell I can't do.

I just don't want to tell my daughters that they are too much of anything or too little of anything to do what they want. Aren't they still human? Don't they get to dream and have goals? You know better shaweedah. I'll kill you.