Monday, May 24, 2010


Graduation was on Saturday and it was killer!  My roommate and I graduated and sat next to each other during the morning ceremony, talking and tweeting each other at the same time.

The speaker was terrible.  I was low-key hungover.  I was starving and didn't have time to eat before I left the house.  And I was hot as hell in that thick silk dress and black gown.

But I didn't complain and I didn't even really care sitting in that cap and gown.

And then when I walked out of the Coliseum it was held in to find my family, I was overjoyed.  They were so happy, giddy, and so proud.  I was happy to have made them proud.

When I got to my parents' house, there was soooo much food!  My parents spent so much money on a real live party.  All my family came and everyone was so proud of me and made sure to tell me a million times.

I even discovered some closet feminists amongst my aunts.  They were sure to remind me the manner in which education qualifies you to be in control of your own life.  They were sure to impart that no man can ever do for you what your education can and it's my responsibility and obligation as an African woman to use this education that the system would like to deny more or discourage me from engaging, and take it back home.

My mother, my mother was so proud.  My mother was so happy.  Afterwards, she met me outside and hugged me for such a long time.  We don't do hugs but she was happy to hug me.  I decorated my cap with glitter and it read my parents' names.  She loved that.

Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart to every soul that has contributed to this accomplishment.  Especially Him.

My God is so good.

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