Thursday, September 3, 2009

Better Men Than Me

"Selfish Girl" by Rihanna might think I'm pretty / but I just don't care...

Classes have started. Being in school makes me feel so purposeful, reminds me that my dreams are real and attainable.

I have been waking up earlier too. I love to sleep for long, long hours but I decided that grown ups wake up early. So I wake up everyday between 7am and 8am. Tuesdays and Thursdays I awake at around 8am because I only have on class. Mondays and Wednesdays are looooong days so I awake at 7am to give myself and extra hour to prepare for my day.

My Love calls me in the mornings now too since I am a new early riser.

I am in a transition period right now. I just moved to my place last weekend, I still haven't bought my books yet because two of them are much more expensive then I thought they would be and are not in the budget. I don't quite have a routine yet, as the clubs I belong to haven't started meeting.

Speaking of clubs, I am the new treasurer for Afrikana! I was elected last semester, did my training yesterday, and signed off as an authorized distributor of funds this morning.

I also applied for a mentorship program in which I would have 1 to 2 students to mentor. Amazingly, it is for students of color to increase their retention.

You know I had to sign on for that. Anything to encourage my Black folks to be serious in school.

About my place...I'm living with this young White couple with 2 dogs and 2 cats. If you know me, I hate animals. I don't even like humans.

Shockingly, one of the cats and I are best friends. Tupela is his name and we chill every night. He loves to rub up against me, sit on my bed, and generally be in my face. The other cat, Tuckahoe was a little apprehensive. However, last night while I sat on the couch, he layed on me like a baby.

The dog Emma is great. I like her. She is calm, unassuming, says a quick warm hello and goodbye everyday. The other dog, Magnolia, is a puppy, a true, overwhelming puppy.

I can't believe I live with animals...and I like them. It is comforting to have something alive around me. It is peculiar because they cannot "talk" in the way we do so their company is different, but it is just as filling as anything else.

Thank you God for another semester of school, one step closer to that degree. Take that haters.

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