Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Wrap on the Door

"Baby I'm So Confused" by Syleena Johnson

...and darlin', darlin' it's all because of you / you put a hold on my heart and soul...

My Verizon contract expired on Sunday. I didn't realize the time was approaching so soon. It has been a year since I got that phone. A lot has happened to me since I had that number, some good, some bad.

I met some good people and some bad, life as usual.

I thought about keeping my number to avoid the task of informing people of the new one.

Then I considered the past I want to leave behind, the people who need to stay in the past I am walking away from. So I changed my number. I promise this is the last time I will change my number. As I said in an earlier entry, I am a lot more scrutinizing of the people I allow in my life. I deleted some numbers and preserved some to use at my discretion.

Mostly because of the Will fiasco, but also because people in general have revealed themselves to be disappointing.
There are even some family members I don't much want anything to do with. I have decided to confront the aunt that spoke such vitriol about me.

I rationalized I have nothing to lose if she already thinks I am so horrible. I have found out that this aunt is kind of a gossip predator. She apparently loves to talk about people, sometimes outright lie about people, and turn around to befriend them. She even talks about her older sister quite meanly (another aunt of mine is a talker but she's so nice) and acts as though she says nothing.

None of those people get my new number. I'll keep in contact with the kids because they are kids. It is important to me that my cousins have an older person to candidly discuss things with to keep them out of trouble. I can imagine the trouble I could have avoided had I had someone to consult about some controversial topics.

This African family has a lot of "untouchable" conversations and can lack emotional connection (between parent and child). Most of my cousins are younger and at too dangerous of an age to assume they know right from wrong.

Anyway, R.I.P. Verizon. I do looooooooooove my new phone. Sprint is pretty awesome. I love that I got stuff.

P.S. I got HBO and Showtime at my apartment and I absolutely cannot study here. I am banned from my own living room. Damn.

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